High-quality fuels. Best-in-class service. Welcome to Cruise Aviation.

For more than 30 years, Cruise Aviation has proudly served the general aviation community at Max Westheimer Airpark in Norman, Oklahoma. You deserve a trusted FBO that delivers high-quality products and the kind of reliable service you'll never forget. Our mission: To exceed your expectations, every time.

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image that when clicked will take you to the reservation site for Cruise Aviation, powered by FlightBridge

Current Fuel Pricing

100LL: $6.10
Jet-A: $5.66

Prices Include Taxes and Fees.

image that when clicked will take you to the reservation site for Cruise Aviation, powered by FlightBridge

Current Fuel Pricing

100LL: $6.10
Jet-A: $5.66

Prices Include Taxes and Fees.


Logo for Phillips Logo for National Air Transportation Association Logo for Flight Plan Logo for Safety First


Our comprehensive services not only satisfy your aircraft's needs, but your needs as well. Rest easy knowing our facility is monitored by security cameras 24/7. Relax in our pilot's lounge while trained professionals provide fast, efficient service with quality fuel from a name you can trust.

Discover Our Services

To the pursuit of service excellence.

At the heart of Cruise Aviation is a desire to deliver the very best FBO experience possible.

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Workers refueling a helicopter